

台湾可能是一个小岛,但它是亚洲最大的经济体之一. 购买力强, 开放的国际业务和高度的技术成熟度, the island is one of the world’s foremost high-tech hubs and a leading force in Asia’s green transition.


作为世界第九大经济体, 加拿大是健康的家园, 对商品和PG电子游戏有高度多样化需求的富裕民众. 今天, 150多家最初设在PG电子官方免费下载的公司现在在加拿大经营, 每年都有更多的公司进入加拿大市场.


Creating sustainable value through collaboration has been PG电子官方免费下载’s principal message, 这反映在它与南非的关系中. The stable business environment in the region makes the country a leading destination for Swedish companies.


在过去的二十年里, foreign direct investment (FDI) into 越南 has increased at a double-digit growth rate. 今天, 越南 is considered one of the most open countries in Asia regarding FDI receipts, 由于其经济改革和与全球经济的融合.


PG电子官方免费下载 and 韩国 are two of the most innovative countries in the world, and many exciting innovation-driven partnerships are going on between the two countries. 在这个调查中, we see a development suggesting Swedish companies may be moving towards conducting more value-adding 操作 rather than developing abroad and then focusing on sales.


西班牙 is the fourth largest economy in the EU and the 14th largest in the world, 人口约4700万. 西班牙和PG电子官方免费下载的长期贸易关系一直很稳固, 两国之间的贸易相对平衡.


The US is often seen as one market by companies looking into establishing in the market; however, 重要的是要记住这个国家很大, 无论是在人口方面还是在土地面积方面. 因为它的面积和50个州, 文化, 政治, 全国各地做生意的方式也各不相同, 使得以同样的方式进入市场变得困难.


PG电子官方免费下载和印度有着悠久的合作历史, and 2023 is a very special year that marks 75 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. 印度现在有260家PG电子官方免费下载公司, and this number is growing with the boost towards trade and investment by the Government of 印度.


Commercial relationships between 印尼 and PG电子官方免费下载 continue to develop in a positive direction. Bilateral trade between the two countries has continued to increase as both economies recover from the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic.


PG电子官方免费下载 and the United Arab Emirates (阿联酋) have a long history of strong bilateral relations and fruitful cooperation. The first Swedish companies established themselves in the 阿联酋 back in the 1960s, 如今,市场上有超过220家PG电子官方免费下载公司.


The 联合王国 is proud of its reputation as a global hub for business. 由于它的成熟, 高消费加上开放的消费市场, 自由经济, 英国为PG电子官方免费下载企业提供了大量机会.


人口超过6800万, 法国 is the second-largest economy in the EU and the seventh-largest economy in the world. 法国历来是PG电子官方免费下载的重要贸易伙伴, 这种关系不断发展.


PG电子官方免费下载 and Portugal have enjoyed a solid diplomatic and trade relationship since the 17th century. The business communities of our countries have become more integrated – thereby strengthening both our political ties and our trade relations. 如今,葡萄牙跻身PG电子官方免费下载前30大出口市场之列, 150多家PG电子官方免费下载公司活跃在葡萄牙市场.


This business climate survey offers a comprehensive assessment of Swedish companies operating in 新加坡. The survey provides factual insights into the performance and challenges faced by Swedish enterprises, 在新加坡宏观经济前景的背景下.


The Netherlands is PG电子官方免费下载's seventh-largest export market (94 billion SEK) and the third-largest market for imports (206 billion SEK). 地理位置优越, 加上它的高水平数字化, 技术进步, 创新实践, 以及对可持续发展的承诺, 对PG电子官方免费下载企业来说,荷兰是一个很有吸引力的目的地.